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About Us

Inspired by God Productions, is a non-profit theater production company with a willingness to produce work that is entertaining, thought-provoking and innovative. We embrace the multi-ethnic makeup of our community and we are dedicated to a multicultural approach to the artistic and social needs of today. Our aim is to provide a vehicle for community growth and to establish motivational programs that emphasize positive choice.

In sharing such thoughts, feelings, and values, we gain a better understanding of each other. Through the arts we bring people together to explore and share the human spirit that binds us all. The expression of art is universal!

I invite you to learn more about our programs. I also encourage you to utilize Jam with the Lamb Productions as an individual and community resource. For more information, please continue to browse our web site.

Joy Always!

Sherree Ellis
Founder, Writer & Producer

©Copyright 2010 Inspired by God Productions All Rights Reserved For more information feel free to Contact Us revelationsjudgementday@gmail.com  651-707-6233